When you click on the Digg button after reading an article you may be taken to a page where you will see that you are the first person to Digg it so you must submit the story. It's very simple.
1. You will be asked for the the article's URL.
2. You write a brief little bit as to what the story is about.
3. Scroll down to categories and choose the appropriate one.
4. Scroll down and you find one of those boxes where you type in the code which shows you aren't a bot.
5. You may come to a page that says similar stories have been submitted. None of them will be the one you're entering so scroll down and hit the Submit button and you're all done.
Writing the description for the story to be Dugg is often the part people find the most difficult. I try to keep in mind that it is counter productive to gear your description toward any one group as in:
"Hey Jericho fans Check out this fantastic interview with skeet ulrich!"
Instead you might consider writing something like this:
"Skeet Ulrich, Star of the CBS television series "Jericho" shares his excitement about the shows upcoming second season and talks of his fascination with serial drama."
The first example is preaching to the already converted while the second is inviting those who may not have seen the show to check it out.
Thanks Terocious. Exactly right. Also, it's not always best to put everything under 1 category. If I find an article that could be categorized as TV or news then I try not to list everything under TV. In your example of Skeet-that could also be put in the Celebrity category.
Yet another thing to consider.
Yes, I think the more well rounded you are on Digg the better. The system seems to reward folks with a wide range of interests by making their Diggs worth more in the algorithm.
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