Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Digg Suggestions

Derek Edmond has an interesting article called "75 Suggestions, Best Practices, and Resources for Digg.

"Examples of What Can Work Well on Digg

* Lists work well (Top 10 Lists, 25 Most Important, 17 Best, etc)
* Tutorials, how-to guides etc seems to work (as relevant to the community)
* Offbeat News, Humor can work (as it is deemed relevant to the community)
* Important newsworthy events seem to work (but make certain be the first to report and always submit the original source)
* If your content does not appear to be appropriate (but you really want it to get to the popular page), you need to figure out how to position your material so that it will be perceived as valuable by the Digg community
* Remember whom the audience is that you are trying to contribute to. You will not be successful if you do not understand the community."


terocious said...

Fantastic article and hot off the press so the information is really current. Great Find!

Sweet Tea said...

Thanks Terocious.
The Digg Coach has now been added to BlogCatalog.